21 May, 2013

Milestone: Dress to DeStress


This has been one freaky Friday. My gurlies have full schedule for the day and the hubby was called to conduct a basketball clinic for the juveniles (which he has been doing since last year and it gives him fulfillment). It has just been so fortunate for us that the month of May (aside from it is my birth month) is our vacation month. Thus, I was able to accompany Jelena for her drum lessons and assist her in doing her Kumon assignment.

thank you to kuya Peter, Lena's mentor

she finished a level and i am a proud mama. 
In between Jelena's full schedule in the morning, I still have to bring Jessica to Musikademy for her voice lessons (which I have to do quickly because Lena will go wild with the thought that I left her). And in the afternoon, Jessica has to be at the Couple's For Christ center again for their band practice. I salute Jessica's enthusiasm for music!

At the end of the day, It was not a freaky Friday after all. It has been a day of consolation and affirmation. First, Jelena has been progressing well in her reading lessons and she is now gaining confidence at playing the drum. Second, Jessica received good feedback during her voice assessment and she qualified to join their recital. Lastly, I found my favorite chocolate (at SM City Davao dept. store) which was introduced to me by Ruel whom I miss so much. 

sugar rush, anyone?!
This day was a proof that in life everything is a choice. Our choices and responses influence the life we weave and the person we become The ball was on our hands and we chose to be positive amidst a busy day. Our good vibes might have come from right attitude and was spiced by dressing up to beat the summer heat. We joined the bandwagon and had our first family "outfit of the day".

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